All of our customers the ability to use our API regardless of the plan that you have acquired with us. With our Data API, you are able to retrieve results automatically into your Business Intelligence tools, custom dashboards, etc.
You can use our Data API to retrieve the following data from your results:
- Questions.
- KPI.
- Response Rates.
The results available through our API are similar to the results you get when you export to Excel from our tool, meaning that they are always protected by our Anonymity Framework and are only available for those groups that you are able to see the results in the tool.
Please note that the intend of using our API is to feed your results directly into other tools that might help you visualize them in a different way (like custom dashboards, live screens, etc.) but the API on its own will not create said dashboards, it will simply work as a source for the raw data those other tools need to function. All the data in here is available in our interface. You can only retrieve results through our API after your measurements have closed.
How do I set it up?
Setting up our API is a very straight-forward process if you are familiar with APIs and how they work. If you are not familiar with it, we highly recommend getting help from someone from your IT department as they could best understand the information described on our API documentation.
First of all, you would need to generate a token for authentication purposes. This can be found under Account -> API Access. If you are not setting up the API by yourself, then you can share this token with the person helping you do it, because only users granted the role "Administrator" on &frankly are capable of generating API tokens.
Once you have generated the token, you simply need to follow the request parameters described on our API Documentation.