Being a manager can be fun, rewarding and inspiring. But it can also bring a lot of challenges. Using &frankly can help you become a better leader in many ways. Start working with the results together with your team to figure out how you can improve - not just as a leader but also as a team.
We've got you covered with our guides
We have prepared material that you can use before and after working with the results. This will help you and your team reflect, discuss and take action on your results.
The first step in working with your results is to start reflecting. Read our guide about reflection, which will prepare you to review results, think about your own experience, and prepare for the upcoming discussion with your team. The guide is attached at the bottom of this article as 1_&frankly_Guide_Reflection.
Continue with our guide about discussion and involving the team. This step will help you gather quality input, increase the understanding of the results, and involve the team going forward. Find the article at the bottom of the page as 2_&frankly_Guide_Discussion.
The final step is to take action after reflecting on the results and having a discussion with the team. This guide will help you create action-based questions and provide you with inspiration for how you can help your team move ahead. Find it at the bottom of this page as 3_ &frankly_Guide_TakeAction.