By going to Results > Individual questions BETA, you can see the question results with updated chart styles alongside new additional improved features. Here is the list of the major improvements in the Beta page.
1. Improved handling of empty/blank statements
Empty or blank statements in comments and Free-text answers will be filtered out to ensure the quality of results.
2. Updated question results charts
The question results will be shown in the same updated chart styles as in the Dashboard. Here are some examples:
Additionally for Binary and Binary picture questions, the results will now be shown per week/date.
3. See question results from other pulses
If a question was included and scheduled in multiple pulses, it will be possible to see results from different pulses inside one question result. Turn on the “Results from other pulses”, and it will show that question’s result from other pulses within the filtered date range.
There are a few things that won’t yet work in the beta page. You can still use the current Individual questions page for missing features.
Show which 2 groups are too similar when their results are hidden.
Don’t worry. The anonymity of the group’s answers will still be protected. It’s just that it won’t show which 2 groups are too similar, and by which attribute yet in the beta page. If you want to find out exactly why the results are hidden, please use the current page.
Seeing own answers
In the beta page, it isn’t yet possible to see your own answers. We’re working on making it available in the beta page, so soon you’ll be able to see your own answers here as well. You can still see your own answers in the current page.
Slicing group results by segments
The segment filter won’t be available in the beta page yet. You can use segments filter and see results for “direct members” in the current Individual questions page.
Please note that this is a beta release, so there might be a few bugs. Let us know if you find any!