Please note: No start and end dates are selected for continuous measurement. The model only be instantly activated or instantly stopped by clicking on the play/stop icon. Read more about what happens when you stop the model in this guide.
1. Go to Schedule > Engagement Radar
Under Continuous model, click on “Run the model”:
2. Continue by selecting one or several groups for the scheduling.
You can select several groups, or deselect certain groups that you want to exclude from the scheduling.
Please note that you will not be able to see the total results if you deselect a group within a hierarchy, you will instead get separate results for each group.
If you select a whole group hierarchy, without deselecting any groups, you’ll be able to see results for each group as well as the total results for the top group. Read more about what to think of when scheduling to several groups in this guide.
3. Select at what frequency you would like the questions to be sent.
The frequencies available to select are either, weekly, biweekly or monthly.
4. Results visibility (default settings)
The next step is to decide the result visibility settings, which determine what the managers and users will see from the results.
The default settings for results visibility will allow users and managers to see:
- Their own individual answers
- Results for the groups they are a direct member in, owner of, or have viewing rights to
- Overall results for the recipient group they belong to
4. Results visibility (advanced settings)
To note: If you would like to keep the default standard results visibility settings as they are - proceed directly to the next step in this guide.
Advanced settings for the individuals’ own group:
The first step in the advanced results visibility settings is to decide desired visibility for the individuals’ own group.
What is the “Own group”?
The own group is the group that the individual is either a:
- Direct member of
- The group owner of
- Have viewing rights to
Do you want to learn more about what a direct group member is? Read this guide.
Decide if you want to give results and/or comments visibility for groups that the individuals’ are direct members of:
Decide if you want to give results and/or comments visibility for groups that the individuals’ are group owners of or have viewing rights to:
Advanced settings for the individuals’ recipient organization:
The second step in the advanced results visibility settings is to decide desired visibility for the individuals’ recipient organization.
What is the “recipient organization”?
The recipient organization is the group/groups that have been selected in the Recipient menu (see step number 3 in this guide).
In the section “Recipient organization” you can add additional results visibility. You can decide if you for example want employees and/or managers to see the overall results for the whole organization or their own department.
Select the groups that you want members (usually employees) to see results and/or comments for. The group members will only see results for the selected group(s) to which they belong to:
Select the groups that you want group owners (usually managers) to see results and/or comments for. They will only see results for the selected group(s) to which they belong to:
To note: group members and owners will not be able to see results for groups they don't belong to. They can only see total results for the selected group if they are a member or owner of a subgroup.
5. Click on start to activate the continuous measurement.