You can access your questions in &frankly in a couple of ways, either via email, phone app or through our website.
To log in through the webpage, follow these steps:
- Visit and click on the button "Log in" to select &frankly
- Enter your email address and click "next".
- If it is the first time you log in, our system will prompt you to create a password. To create a password you click on "Forgot your password?". Then you will get a verification email in your inbox requiring you to confirm it. Once verified, you can go to the login page again, simply enter the email and the new password.
- Enter your password and click "next".
If you have questions to answer you'll find them under Start > Respond now.
Please note that if your email address has not been registered in our system by your organization or if you have not confirmed the password, you will see an error stating "Invalid username or password". If this happens when you try to log in for the first time, then it means your email address is not registered. Contact your closest manager or your account administrator and ask them to check if you have a user registered in &frankly.