Questions that exist in our standard library are locked and can't be adjusted. If you find a question that you like, but feel that you would like to make smaller adjustments to it, you can copy the question. This will create a new and editable version of the question.
Note: when you copy a question a new question ID will be generated, which enables editing of the question.
How to copy a question:
Only questions that exist in the library can be copied. Everyone that is allowed to create pulses (administrators and managers) can see and copy questions from the library to a new pulse. Only administrators can add questions to the company library.
- Go to Questions > Pulses and create a new pulse.
- Click "Choose from library" in the pulse editor and when you find the question that you would like to make a copy of, simply click on the three dots down to the right and "Add as copy". The question will be added as a new and editable version.
- Hold your pointer over the question in the pulse and click on the cogwheel to edit it.
Keep in mind that all &frankly standard questions have translations. Remember to adjust the translations accordingly to your changes in the default version of the question.
Questions and pulses that you have created yourself and that have been scheduled are locked. We recommend you create a new pulse if you need to make adjustments to the questions.
Related articles:
Add questions to your company library
Why are the questions and pulses locked?