A pulse is a set of questions and can cover any area that you like - from stocking up the company fridge to stress levels. To create your own question pulse in &frankly, go to Questions > Pulse library.
1. Start with a pulse name and a description. By explaining the purpose of the pulse in the description, the users will probably understand the importance of the pulse and feel motivated to answer. The description of the pulse is visible next to the questions, have a look at this article for further details: How to communicate the purpose of the pulse
If you want the name and description in more than one language, simply change the language in the menu to the right of the pulse editor and add text. Note that you have to have text in the default mode of the menu (language/språk) to be able to save the pulse. Have a look at the bottom of this article for a further explanation of this.
2. Add questions to the pulse either by creating your own or by adding questions from our library. A pulse can contain around 30 questions, but our recommendation is to have five to eight questions per pulse. For instructions on how to create your own questions, you will find a guide here.
3. Share the pulse to a colleague or to the Company pulses. Administrators can see all pulses created in an account, but managers can only see and use the ones that they have created themselves or that is shared with them.
You can share the pulse either by making someone the owner of the pulse or by sharing it. Being an owner of the pulse means that you have full access to see, edit and schedule. Sharing a pulse means that someone else will be able to see and schedule (but not edit) the pulse to their team. If you want all managers to have access to the pulse, add it to the "Company pulses" in your account.
4. Save the pulse and when you are ready to schedule it, go to Schedule > Scheduling.
Here is a guide on how to schedule the pulse.
Why is "default mode" for the pulse description mandatory?
When you create your own pulse you need to write the text in default language mode.
If you don't add text in the default mode, the system won't know which text/translation to show users that selected a language that you haven't translated the pulse description to.
For instance, say that you have an organization where multiple languages are used and you create a pulse including descriptions in Swedish, Finnish, and English. If you have a user that has the setting to get questions in Norwegian, the system would not know what language to display. That's why you always need to add text in the default version.
We recommend you to write English in the default mode if that is the official language in your organization.
Read more about translations here: What translation will be seen by the users?