The minimum number of responses required to show aggregated results is three. This is standard for all accounts but can be customized. If you want to have a higher limit than three, you can change this according to your needs.
As an administrator of &frankly, you have the responsibility of deciding the anonymity level for your organization. The most common, and also our recommendation, is to have five as a minimum. However, if you have many small teams you might consider keeping the limit to three.
There are two thresholds that you can customize in &frankly: one for average answers (e.g. where an average has been produced), and one for the spread (e.g. where we show many individual answers in a graph to illustrate how scattered results are).
Free text questions don’t follow any anonymity threshold per default. If you want to have a threshold for free text questions, you can apply the same limit used for the spread.
Keep in mind that even if you set the limit to three and you get three answers, the results may still be hidden for a specific group if the group is using attributes or if the answers in that group are too similar to another group. In these cases, the results are hidden by our integrity framework.
Remember to communicate to your organization what limit you have chosen, why you have done so, and how this will impact reports.
Change the response limit
Go to Account > Company settings > Results integrity, change according to your preferences and save. The setting is general and will apply to all results.