Adding a location makes it possible to get questions on the most relevant occasions. For example, by setting your work location, we can push the question “How do you feel about coming to work?” when you’re actually arriving at work. Pretty cool, right?
If you prefer not to set a location (which we fully respect), you will still get the questions, but given a specific time instead. Questions set to "Coming in" will be sent 09.00 and questions set to "Leaving" will be sent 18.30.
If an organization decides to have location-based alerts as a predefined setting for all their employees when implementing &frankly, each employee doesn't have to choose this setting themselves. However, each employee does have to accept that they enable &frankly to use their location.
If the user enables &frankly to use their location, we will not follow the user everywhere. &frankly uses location-based services to give the user an alert when “entering” the office or workspace. So when the location-based service recognizes that the user (the phone) is in a specific area, it will awaken the application (&frankly application), which then will send an alert to the user. We do not use location services otherwise.