Before adding translations to your questions, make sure to check out this article and your account settings to ensure that you allow users to choose their own preferred language.
Translations can be added when you add a new question or edit one of your existing questions that is open for editing.
- Select a new question template or an editable question and go to the “Content” tab.
This is where you add the default version of the question, which isn't associated with any particular language - it can be anything. This version is used as a fall back version if:
- There are no other translations, or
- There are no other translations that match the language a user has selected, and there are no translations that match the company default language (can be Swedish or English).
- Go to the “Translations” tab and click on the plus-icon to add a language and a translation.
The “flags” that you add will be matched to the “flag” a user has selected. Therefore, make sure to always add English as a flag - even if you have written the default version with English text.
Contact if you want to add translations to locked questions.