Delete a scheduled pulse
1. Go to Schedule > Scheduling and filter the date range for when the pulse you want to remove is scheduled.
2. Click on the “three dots” next to scheduling and select “remove”:
Keep in mind that if you delete previous schedulings, the results for the week(s) you delete will disappear.
Pause a repeating pulse:
1. Go to Schedule > Scheduling and flter on the time span for the dates when the pulse you want to pause is scheduled.
3. Click the three dots next to scheduling and select "Edit":
3. Click "Next" to go to the settings for date and repetition and change the date of the last day of repetition. Note that you need to select the last week that the questions were sent out historically in order for the pulse to be paused.
If you would like to start the scheduling again you can do this by scheduling the pulse again with a new start date.