Simployer &frankly product team is always open to improvement suggestions and ideas from our customers. That is why we've added a way for you to give us feedback directly.
Where can I enter my feedback?
If you have the role "administrator" in &frankly, you can send in feedback from the Account > Company settings page. We have added a new "Product feedback" section where you will see the "Open the Feedback Form" button.
What happens with my feedback?
All incoming feedback with be categorized and stored in Productboard, our product management tool. Depending on the product team's involvement on the area of the feedback, we might reach out to you for more information.
Therefore, we would appreciate if you enter your email address so that we can connect directly with you and your organization.
Will I always get a response?
Unfortunately we can't always promise that we answer all feedback directly or promptly. But we continuously use all feedback, in order to discover new areas of improvement and which problems we might address first.
What should my feedback contain?
We want to give each feedback the attention it needs. So if you have more than one feedback, we would greatly appreciate if you enter them separately.
The more details you write about what problem you are trying to solve, and how this improvement will help you, the better we will be able to understand the issue.
Think of things as "As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>".
For example:
As an HR admin, I want to be able to schedule multiple pulses at the same time so that I don't have to spend time setting up individual surveys!
Or describe what you are doing and what would help you, because of <reason>.
For example:
When looking at the results in the Individual questions page, I would like see the internal benchmarks so that I can compare it to group results over time.
This lets us know what you want to do, and we will be able to use this information when trying to solve that problem.