Once a chat has been created, it can be found under Results > Anonymous Chat page. If a Group Member initiates a chat while answering, the HR Admin or Manager will only be able to see that chat once the pulse has closed, and the final results are available.
No matter who initiated the chat, the individual who left the original comment will be able to see their chat in all states, while the “addressed to” HR Admin or Manager (Group Owner) will only see Open and Closed chats.
There are 4 states a chat can be in:
- Pending: The state after an employee initiates an anonymous chat while answering a question, but the comment/chat is not yet visible to the addressed to HR Admin or Manager, since the final results aren’t available yet. In the Pending state, the person who initiated the chat will be able to send messages, which will become visible if and when the chat becomes “Open”.
- Open: When the final results are available and the original comment/chat initiated while answering is visible to the addressed to HR Admin or Manager. Or if the HR Admin or Manager starts the anonymous chat from the comments results.
- Closed: When the addressed to HR Admin or Manager changes the status from Open to Closed manually. If the chat is closed, it will no longer be possible for participants to send messages to each other within the chat. The HR admin or Manager of the chat can re-open the chat if necessary.
- Hidden: When the final results are available, but the original comment/chat is hidden due to scheduling visibility or the integrity framework. Only the individual who submitted the original comment will be able to see the chat if it’s hidden.
In addition, in the web version of &frankly, the HR Admin will be able to see an overview of all chats created in the organization. However, HR Admins can only read -and send messages in those chats addressed to the HR-admin.